
Friendly Advice

Never worked with a composer before? Here are some tips to make sure your experience is as fruitful as possible


Check out our explanation of pricing and paperwork to get a rough overview of issues such as music licensing and copyright. Even for a small game, having a few simple terms of agreement in writing is enormously important, after all your game could be the next Angry Birds!



If you require background music loops, please wait until you've nearly finished your game before contacting a composer. Of course there are times when it may make perfect sense to get the composer involved at an earlier stage especially if your game uses music in a more interactive way. 99% of the time however give us a playable demo, or at the very least some video footage and/or screenshots and we'll write 150% better music.


Show us what you want. We know that describing music can be tricky thing if you didn't go to music college like what we did :p Therefore it may be useful to send us reference material in the form of mp3s, youtube links, Spotify etc. 


Don't be scared away by our opening offer. We understand that different people have different ideas about what a piece of music is worth. So stop worrying, take a quick look at our pricing page and jump right in. Openness is the key so chuck a figure out there ASAP and we'll take it from there.


Please be clear about your deadlines  – especially if they are flexible. Your idea of 'sometime soon' maybe different to ours.


Don't be a yes man. If you're not happy with what we came up with, say so!  We will do our damndest to cater to your musical needs.


Don't be a no man. Try not to impose too many specific musical limitations in the brief, but allow our professional experience to be an asset your project.


Don't have a cow, man. Working with a freelancer should be a fun and informal relationship. Us composers may pledge to a strict set of business practices but we're really just a handful regular folks who dig music almost as much as video games.  If things get unavoidably off schedule, lets keep each other informed about the situation rather than create too much of an air of mystery. 




This site is still a sapling. Help us grow into a big strong tree by giving us your own ideas and feedback